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[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/08/no-start-diagnostic-basics-ericthecarguy.html[/postlink]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBUYs539cy4endofvid [starttext]This video is a response to the Honda Main Relay video that I did. I've had a couple of people come to me with questions about no start conditions and how they should go about fixing them. This video is a starting point to a series that I plan to cover on this subject. The point I make in the video over and over is, don't make assumptions. Assumptions get expensive and can frustrate you to the point of homicide, follow these simple tips and it will lead you down the path of success.hey i have a 78 f100 ranger xlt i have a problem when i try to start my truck all it does is make a loud noise i done took the starter and alternator and battery to autozone and they said they were fine and put them back in checked the wiring i dont know what to do [endtext]

No Start, Diagnostic Basics - EricTheCarGuy

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/08/honda-no-start-possible-main-relay.html[/postlink]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viIZ8k60awYendofvid [starttext]i both relays i have, wont let me start at petrol stations etc... if i stall the car it will start up straight away... ive check out both relays and the solder looks fine, what else could i check please [endtext]

Honda No Start? POSSIBLE Main Relay - EricTheCarGuy

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/06/honda-accord-fuel-problem-no-start.html[/postlink]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isWvdgAfZasendofvid [starttext]92 Honda Accord fuel problem, no fuel pressure, no start, bad fuel master relay, dagnosed and repaired, checking check engine light, oil light problem????That thing looks like more like a trash can then a car... also you dont have to turn the key to check the codes thats in OBD-2 cars. All you have to do is put the clip in [endtext]

Honda Accord fuel problem, no start, repair, diagnose, oil light problem

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/06/engine-stall-main-relayclicking-noise.html[/postlink]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S63OGGSP_JQendofvid [starttext]If main relay is not the problem, check fuel pump. If fuel pump is not the problem, then, most likely ECU. I ended up replacing car's computer unit(ECU) after all. Then, it all fixed it! When car gets old, ECU also ages. As a result, aged ECU can create a "phantom symptom" such as clicking noise of main relay, malfunction of fuel pump, etc. I am not sure if ECU is the cause of your CRX's problem or not, but in my case, it fixed the problem. Good luck. [endtext]

Engine stall - Main relay(clicking noise)

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/06/how-to-fix-acurahonda-not-starting-in.html[/postlink]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssYpyXjGw9gendofvid [starttext]Older Acura/Honda models (especially Acura Integras) often don't start in hot weather. Reason is a defective fuel pump relay. This instructional video shows how to locate the relay, remove it, fix its soldering points, and put it back in.will it work on a 93 acura legend, if so what color does it need to be because my bf bought a red little box when i thought it was the black box. did he get the right one.Not sure what kind of relay a 93 legend needs, but the part number should be easy to find by Googling. Different models use different relay types which aren't interchangeable, so make sure it's the right one. [endtext]

How to fix Acura/Honda not starting in hot weather

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/05/how-to-diagnose-and-replace-bad-starter.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnmnWuuLfzEendofvid [starttext]Another great video. I admire your patience when going through your diagnostic steps for isolating the starter as the problem. There are a lot of folks who would have thrown a starter at it first. I also liked the remote switch, I'm going to have to get one of those. One more thing..I learned that I'm not the only person that casually says "B+", which is awesome. [endtext]

How to diagnose and replace a bad starter motor

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/05/starter-motor-service-recondition.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhOen1rbZk4endofvid [starttext]i normally just go to repco but bursons or anywhere like that should do the job. this is a generic rand motor tho so it isnt so easy to source parts for. bosch ones genially just unsolder then re-solder. [endtext]

starter motor service / recondition

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/05/starter-motor-repair-diy-dvdscom.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GLbFjIVBM8endofvid [starttext]Do you know a way i can check to see if our car has had its top speed limiter taken off?I think its been ttaken off. [endtext]

Starter Motor Repair DIY-DVDS.com

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/05/2003-ford-ranger-starter-motor-repair.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V05vvqVfyUendofvid [starttext]If the engine is cranking, the starter is fine, the only function of the starter is to actually make the engine spin when turning the key. If it is cranking but not starting, you have something electrical which is causing the no-start condition. It could be a number of things from the fuel pump to a bad relay, to a number of other items. [endtext]

2003 Ford Ranger Starter Motor Repair

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/05/starter-motor-disassembly.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_mQjlUwYmIendofvid [starttext]Yer the whole amps thing im worried about since im running it off a motorcycle battery (15A). Its more the coolness and practicality of it. I can just sit in my kart n go, i dont have to spend 5 mins starting it all the time. Im thinking of putting a 250cc motorcycle engine on it instead. [endtext]

Starter motor disassembly

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/05/how-to-install-replace-change-starter.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cB8tuyxyQkendofvid [starttext]For anyone who has the starter only accessible from the bottom such as my 2.2L with DOHC, this is the process you want to follow. The tools needed are appropriate size sockets and wrenches and an elbow socket extender. There will be one bolt right in the open on the actual starter on the bottom, the other one is in an awkward spot above it. Use the elbow socket extender the get the proper position on it. Hope this helps anyone. [endtext]

How To Install Replace Change Starter Motor Chevy Cavalier Pontiac Sunfire 95-05

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/04/how-to-diagnose-and-replace-bad-starter.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnmnWuuLfzEendofvid [starttext] That's why I like watching your videos, too, since we seem to think the same way. Careful diagnostics are less work in the long run, and more satisfying than just throwing parts.

How to diagnose and replace a bad starter motor

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/04/how-to-diagnose-and-change-bad-starter.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDfWdxY1u8Qendofvid [starttext]yet another video invloving a starter change... that shows NO PART of the change process! [endtext]

How to Diagnose and Change a Bad Starter

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/04/how-to-test-your-car-starter.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PWG6Il_ZJIendofvid [starttext]This is the best and shortest video that covers everything you'll need to know about troubleshooting the starter.. and the guy who made it thumbs up all the way - great job music and the mechanic are perfect and especially when you cut the music to hear the engaging of the components, very profesional. THANK YOU ! [endtext]

How To Test Your Car Starter

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/04/porsche-928-start-up-and-fuel-pump.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUmy5229HYwendofvid [starttext]fuel pressure regulator man [endtext]

Porsche 928 start up and fuel pump problem

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/04/fuel-pump-problem.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suxG4zljlNEendofvid [starttext]Before buying a new pump or anything,check the fuse for the fuel pump,and check the fuel pump relay. My 84 towncar for sure has a bad fuel pump. It drives well until I drive it about an hour or so,then it'll start to backfire and have no gas pedal response,also the pump is very loud. Good luck if you haven't fixed it yet. [endtext]

Fuel Pump Problem

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/04/fuel-pump-relay-problem.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEjmo_qT4yQendofvid [starttext]If you have no power at the pump fuse then you have a fusible link problem. I believe these are attached to the starter battery post. Maybe you left one off when you did the tranny or you connected one to the wrong post. All fusible links must go to starter battery post. The post that has the positive battery cable. [endtext]

Fuel Pump Relay Problem

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/03/ford-idi-diesel-starting-problems.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhaG1SMP_gYendofvid [starttext]Everything you said is true. I had the same problem with mine. Th old ford fuel filter in the side has O rings on the gaskets. I had someone install an aftermarket fuel filter housing. There's no O rings on it like the stock filter. My truck fires up all the time now. [endtext]

Ford IDI Diesel Starting problems Diagnosis

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/03/hardest-cold-start-of-73l-powerstroke.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePrFUpwJD9Eendofvid [starttext]the engine was devolped by isuzu. one of the best manufactures of diesel engines. the engines are made at gm plants along with the trucks in flint michigan. i would personaly have an engine designed by japs and made in america that runs like a champ other than a piece of shit that is changed every few years because ford cant get it right. the 6.6L platfroum has had minimal changes in over a decade. it is an all made in the usa truck and it is not cheep like fords [endtext]

The Hardest Cold Start of a 7.3L Powerstroke On Earth. Taking nearly 6 minutes.

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/03/starter-repair-and-cold-start-1999-ford.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KympkO88zWkendofvid [starttext]Very interesting. Like I said, I've never seen one before this. Thanks! [endtext]

Starter Repair and Cold Start 1999 Ford F350 Powerstroke Diesel

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/03/how-to-starter-removal.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5zxbf3kI8wendofvid [starttext]Thanks so much for the video I was stuck with starter problem it just clicked once and then wont spin at all to start the car, I disconnected the connectors cleaned them and it was all good aft3r that. [endtext]

How to: Starter Removal, Replacement/Repair (Permanent Temporary Fix 2.0)

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/03/testing-car-starter-solenoid-and-motor.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WQlATTWKJcendofvid [starttext]I assume you've already looked at the other videos on testing a solenoid; if not, there are some good methods for checking the viability of the circuit before and after the starter posted by expertvillage.If you apply power directly to the solenoid with a return ground from the solenoid, you should see the starter motor pop out but not spin. If you connect to the motor directly and bypass the solenoid, the motor will spin but not extend.

Testing a car starter (solenoid and motor)

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/03/removing-starter-on-chevy-s10.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJTTYg2g9pEendofvid [starttext]Thats what my s10was doin. It made a loud grinding noise whenever i tried to start it. Just take ur trurck to at place u bought ur baterry at, i assume autozone or Oriely, and have them test ur starter. They will tell u for sure if ur starte is bad or not. Then look at this video again to help with replacing it. If u hav ?'s, just reply to me again and ill do my best to help out. [endtext]

Removing the starter on Chevy s10

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/03/fix-mitsubishi-van-starter-problem.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o633jmtyl5Iendofvid [starttext]I like using cup leathers to polish up commutators; they do a very good job and won't remove any metal in the process. [endtext]

Fix Mitsubishi Van Starter Problem

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/03/1992-s-10-starter-problem.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnDZfDwQnngendofvid [starttext]I was driving home in the dark doing about 60 on a deserted back road when the truck shut completely down - engine, headlights and everything. Managed to get off the road without killing myself and tore the truck apart today. This is what I found. Previous owner did this wonderful wiring job. [endtext]

1992 S-10 Starter problem

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/02/how-to-diagnose-bad-starter-ignition.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCCTL3GbndEendofvid [starttext] If the starter is clicking it should be the solenoid. The sound is the power reaching the starter. It could be the flywheel or the starter shims, but sounds like a bad solenoid. If you remove the starter and leave the wires connected, just have someone turn the key. If the gear inside the starter gear does not jump out (every time) and spin VERY fast it is the solenoid. The solenoid is the problem a lot of cars have, its normal. At least you have power reaching the starter. solenoid![endtext]

How to diagnose a bad starter, ignition, neutral safety switch!

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/02/crankshaft-position-sensorcar-not_13.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv6wqQAmXvcendofvid [starttext]check for vaccum leaks maybe you have a cracked or loose vacc line or a leaky intake manifold gasket. just a little bit of extra air will cause a lean running condition which in turn causes backfiring [endtext]

Crankshaft Position Sensor(car not starting)2

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/02/crankshaft-position-sensorcar-not.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUMGFnK29B8endofvid [starttext]my car wouldnt start, not even cranking. What happen was i took out the alternator and put it back. After putting it back, it wouldnt start. What might be the problem, the car was working fine before that.[endtext]

Crankshaft Position Sensor(car not starting)

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/02/quick-test-starter-motor.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLZkBmHjAYMendofvid [starttext]It means the starter 'dog' gear is sticking so it would not engage with the flywheel thus not turn the engine over (or the opposite happen and it doesn't disengage) Can happen if vehicle is not used much. Penetration oil and manually flick the dog usually frees it up. [endtext]

quick test starter motor

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/02/how-to-troubleshoot-starter-problem.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mKrx-fMi_8endofvid [starttext]Thank you for all your videos,I get my cars fixed many times already thanks to your informative videos,I saved a lot of money doing it my self and learn a lot at the same time,I just got an 89 Merkur XR4Ti,its my new toy(project) suddenly it don't want to start it just make a click sound,so tomorrow I will work on it and I will try all the new things I just learn on this video.I'm sure I will be able to get it to start. Just like the other cars I fixed thanks to you.God Bless You.:) [endtext]

How to Troubleshoot a Starter Problem

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/02/car-wont-start.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5iHDlGp46kendofvid [starttext]Since this was an used Honda Accura, lots of problems could arise (for example of previous accidents of the last owner who "repaired and beautified" the car!). Used cars are potential problems makers! [endtext]

Car wont Start

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/02/how-to-cause-most-modern-cars-not-to.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=subJLy-OD_gendofvid [starttext]why not just unplug the ignition module or coil wire instead of going through the trouble of finding a fuse and taking the cover off the fuse box and trying to find that dam car manual that most of us lost a long time ago. [endtext]

How to Cause Most Modern Cars Not to Start

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/car-wont-start-diagnosis.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw_53i1jOzgendofvid [starttext]it may be the fuel pump relay or the fuel pump itself, sometimes just changing the fuel pump filter fixes alot of issues but might as well change the fuel pump too since you have to take the whole gas tank out. But i cant tell you for sure without proper inspection. i got a fuel pump video coming soon. [endtext]

Car wont Start Diagnosis

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/honda-accord-starting-problem.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVqd4LlBztgendofvid [starttext]Under normal circumstances, every 4 years. But little cars have little batteries, just like this honda. Over time batteries lose their ability to hold a charge. It happens a lot sooner with small batteries. Its a no brainer. Everybody knows what a battery is and how it works. If your car ranks over slow, then your battery is dying [endtext]

Honda Accord Starting Problem

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/car-wont-start-solved.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mf_uw_zjHcendofvid [starttext]your key smartlock immobilizer is stuffed, iether the key is not regestering with the immobilizer, or the key is broken, that OR the key switch behind the barrel is broken [endtext]

car wont start - solved

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/troubleshootingengine-rotates-but-will.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv3z6Jjbs1wendofvid [starttext]so that mean pull tha spark plug out and connect to that hose n test it out to see its actually spark tha electrify that mean its actually work? i having plm that wont start my car up which i did replace new spark plug n battery n starter too still wont crank tha motor running seem im out of option [endtext]

Troubleshooting:Engine Rotates But Will Not Start

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/popping-noise-from-strut.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YYcSLPHFZsendofvid [starttext]motor mounts have nothing to do with struts read the description he says its a faulty strut which monroe is famous for [endtext]

Popping Noise from Strut

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/bad-rear-strut-vs-new-rear-strut.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMrYV3nU_AUendofvid [starttext]took me about 3.5 hrs to do it. It honestly wasnt that hard. I did my spark plugs and wires this past spring and it took me longer to do that hah. [endtext]

Bad Rear Strut vs New Rear Strut

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/rear-strut-removal-and-installation.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vjE79iL1oQendofvid [starttext]Thank you for the explanation. I will be sure and put your suggestion at the end and give you credit. (Bows) So the thing we are trying to prevent here is binding of the shock is that correct? (just trying to make it clear for the vid) Thanks again! [endtext]

Rear Strut Removal And Installation

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/auto-repair-car-shocks-struts.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1tveDXRzJ8endofvid [starttext]My shock mount busted out for some reason.. I just got it replaced 1 day ago and it keeps busting out .. I just dont understand how could it be physically possible when it has the washer plate !! [endtext]

Auto Repair: Car Shocks & Struts Replacement - 3 of 3

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/car-damage-repair-part-3-final-segment.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CCcJJVH3RIendofvid [starttext]Also, this set of videos was more a progress report, not a how-to. Perhaps, if I remember to, should put that in the 1'st video.The ending was abrupt, because the car started to act up again (it would fail inspection, again), and I just wanted it to be "good enough" for trade, and knowing my luck, a full-blown fix would look bad [endtext]

Car Damage Repair (Part 3) FINAL SEGMENT (Traded in for new vehicle.)

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/car-damage-repair-part-2.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AERxhfE1YLwendofvid [starttext]Gald to be one of the "Silent Majority", to actually post a car video, showing how the TRUE Average Joe would go about things. [endtext]

Car Damage Repair (Part 2)

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/car-damage-repair-part-1.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzDOH1R9AeQendofvid [starttext]How much did the damage cost, Please let me know I hit my cousin's car about as much as that and I need to know [endtext]

Car Damage Repair (Part 1)

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/deep-scratch-repair-applied-colors.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv5gTgA3OpMendofvid [starttext]Thank you SO much for this video. This has been the most simple and helpful video I have seen so far regarding deep scratches. I also really like that there is no sanding. I definitely will use this method. Thanks again. [endtext]

Deep Scratch Repair: Applied Colors Scratch and Chip Repair System

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/how-to-blend-clear-coat-spot-repair.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vts4fJn6-6Uendofvid [starttext]Oh ok...good deal. Just for future reference that texture is called "dry spray". It there it appears when there isn't enough fluid being sprayed as you figured out, or your travel speed is too fast....but good job bro. [endtext]

How to Blend Clear Coat (Spot Repair)

[postlink] http://how-to-auto-repair.blogspot.com/2012/01/collision-specialists-inside-shop-auto.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YEaP0XdTLMendofvid [starttext]These guys do it the right way! Not like Colission Masters or better yet Bondo Masters..been there saw the Crap they did Never again Over 2 inches of bondo was found in my !1/4 panel ..when it was suposed to have been replaced...Rattts.. [endtext]

Collision Specialists Inside the Shop - Auto Body Repair